Can You Get a Job if you have been Arrested?

With the current job market already abysmal, those who have been arrested or charged with a crime may face increased anxiety about the prospect of finding employment.  It is true that certain aspects of an individual’s criminal record will appear on employee background checks; however, it is still possible to obtain employment in Orlando in spite of previous scrapes with the law.  While the severity of your criminal offense has the largest bearing on how it will affect your job prospects, you ca
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Why Should you Hire a DUI Defense Lawyer for your Orlando DUI?

Finebloom and Haenel – Experienced DUI Defense Attorneys Serving Orlando If you have charged with a DUI in or near Orlando, you owe it to yourself to retain the services of an experienced DUI defense lawyer.  You need a law firm whose DUI attorneys are passionate about defending the rights of the accused.  At Finebloom and Haenel, we serve Orlando drivers charged with DUI by offering the right set of experience and expertise necessary to handle the case successfully! In Orlando and the areas sur
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Should You Submit to a Breath Test if you are Pulled Over for DUI

At Finebloom and Haenel, our Orlando DUI attorneys answer questions regarding the different methods of BAC testing and whether or not a refusal of the test is good or bad. Among the methods of testing approved for use in the state of Florida, Orlando police typically default to the administration of a breath test.  Most Florida police stations house a machine known as the Intoxilyzer 8000.  This machine is capable of accurately testing somebody’s blood alcohol content by measuring the concentrat
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Should You Take The Field Sobriety Test If You Are Pulled Over For DUI

In our many years building defenses for drivers charged with DUI in and around Orlando, the lawyers at Finebloom and Haenel have taken the experience gained from each case in an effort to educate the drivers in Orlando and throughout the state of Florida.  As DUI Defense attorneys, we feel that drivers in Orlando should understand the law and know as much about their rights as possible. Our DUI lawyers and legal professionals get asked 1 popular question time and time again, “Should I submit to
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How Does A DUI Affect Your Insurance

Orlando DUI Defense Attorneys, Finebloom and Haenel, regularly answer questions for our DUI clients as well as various citizens in and around Orlando.  Often times, drivers arrested and charged with DUI are concerned about how a DUI conviction  will affect their auto insurance.   Once convicted with DUI, the charge will be recorded on the driver’s motor vehicle history.  Unfortunately, DUI is considered to be a serious offense and drivers carrying a DUI are likely to be placed into a higher risk
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How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record?

The Orlando office of Finebloom and Haenel is made up of attorneys dedicated to competent, rigorous DUI defense.  Over the course our lawyers’ experiences with DUI cases in Orlando and the surrounding central Florida regions, we’ve answered thousands of questions.  Among the most common questions, one has an answer that most drivers find startling and do not expect. “In the state of Florida, how long does a DUI conviction stay on my record?”  The answer: 75 years. The Florida Department of Highw
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How An Experienced DUI Lawyer Can Help Your Case

Drivers who are arrested and charged with DUI in Orlando often have several questions.  They may not know where to turn and they may not realize the importance of hiring an experienced DUI Defense attorney.  Finebloom and Haenel’s Orlando office houses a team of competent, highly skilled DUI Defense lawyers.  Our lawyers understand the importance and effectiveness of hiring a qualified law firm to handle your DUI defense. When a driver is charged with DUI he/she is faced with a range of minimum
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3 Reasons Why You Need a DUI Defense Lawyer in Orlando

In the areas in and around Orlando and Orange County, police regularly make arrests and charge drivers with DUI.  Those charged with DUI are entitled to representation by competent, experienced DUI  lawyers.  Here are 4 reasons why you want a qualified DUI Defense lawyer handling your case in Orlando: Experience Counts – DUI lawyers who have been working within the local legal circuit have a wealth of experience to offer clients. DUI is considered to be a criminal charge.  If mishandled by inexp
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3 Things to Consider When It Comes to Landing a New Job with a DUI on Your Record

Will you be able to get a job with a DUI on your record? Drivers who are charged and convicted with a DUI under Florida state law are often concerned about their ability to land a new job down the road.  In Orlando, a DUI conviction carries with it a misdemeanor charge and, therefore, it will turn up if a potential employer conducts a criminal background check. At Finebloom and Haenel, we’ve helped thousands of drivers charged with DUI in Orlando plan for the future and make informed decisions w
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Are the DUI Tests reliable?

At the Orlando law office of Finebloom and Haenel, our lawyers encounter all types of questions from our DUI Defense clients as well as those just looking for a better understanding of DUI law in Florida.  We’ve helped thousands of Orlando drivers to either build a solid DUI Defense or simply stay informed and aware of their rights.  In Orlando, when a driver is pulled over and police suspect DUI, Florida state law mandates certain tests that have been deemed as accepted, reliable tools for law
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