If you have been arrested in the Orlando area for shoplifting, in violation of Florida Statute 812.015 you will need good representation. The attorneys of Finebloom & Haenel are available to speak with you by calling 407-218-6277 anytime.
Shoplifting is officially titled “Retail Theft” under the Florida statute. In order to prove that you committed a retail theft, the State must show that you committed a theft from a store. To do that they have to show that you:
- took possession or carried away merchandise, property, money or negotiable documents (like checks) ; OR
- changed or altered price tags, labels or product codes; OR
- that you put merchandise from one package and put it in another; OR
- that you took away a shopping cart
- with the intent to deprive the store of a benefit, use or the retail value.
Basically this mans they have to show you tried to steal from a store.
- If it is a first offense and the value of the property is less than $300 the charge is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by 60 days in jail.
- If it is a second offense (or more) and the property is valued at less than $300 then the charge is a first degree misdemeanor and you can face up to one year in jail.
- If the value of the property is more than $300 then it is a third degree felony punishable by up to 5 years in a Florida State Prison.
- If you were previously convicted of retail theft and the property was worth more than $300 or if you are arrested with another person and they think the two of you worked together to steal property worth more than $3000, then it is a second degree felony punishable by up to 15 years in a Florida State Prison.
Resisting a Retail Merchant
IF A STORE EMPLOYEE TRIES TO STOP YOU AS YOU LEAVE THE STORE AND YOU RESIST, IT IS ANOTHER CHARGE! Resisting a Retail Merchant is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in the county jail.
Possession of Countermeasure Device
If you have or use a countermeasure device (such as the pliers that take the plastic tags off of clothing, or the keys that take the electronic monitoring off tapes and video games) it is a third degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Shoplifting or retail theft can be very serious. Sometimes it is a simple misunderstanding. This misunderstanding can have serious consequences. A shoplifting charge is a crime of dishonesty that can be used against you later and possibly cause you to lose your job. Don’t take the risk. Contact the attorneys at Finebloom & Haenel. The defense attorneys of Finebloom & Haenel understand the consequences of a conviction. They can provide you with a competent defense. Our attorneys are available for a free consultation 24/7. Just call 407-218-6277 and let us explain how we can fight for you!