If you have been arrested in the Orlando area for violating your driver’s license restriction under Florida statute 322.16 the attorneys of Finebloom & Haenel may be able to assist you!
Under Florida law, the Department may place restrictions on your license. Thee restrictions can be as simple as your having to wear glasses. If you have medical issues they may require mechanical devices such as hand controls. The Department may also place restrictions on your license as to where you may drive (such as a business purpose only license) or to when you may drive (such as only during daylight hours). Many drivers under the age of 18 have additional restrictions requiring adults over the age of 21 to accompany them while they drive.
To violate a restriction placed on your license is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by up to 60 days in the county jail.
If you have been accused of violating a license restriction, a good attorney may be able to help you. The attorneys of Finebloom & Haenel are experienced and know the available defenses. They can discuss your case and help you obtain the best outcome for your situation. Call them today at 407-218-6277 for a free consultation.